Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rumor Has It...

There is a rumor circulating that MAGIC 1050 is being taken off the air. Mind you, this is just a rumor and has not been substantiated. The radio stations that comprised NEXT Media were sold to a gentleman named Tom Joyner. This is not the same Tom Joyner of the popular AM talk show. Nothing creates more rumors than the prospect of change. In the interest of sparking a conversation, does the elimination of Magic 1050 represent suppression of minority view points or just a business decision based on 1050’s fiscal solvency? The bigger question to me is; if 1050 is shutdown did minorities loose an entitlement or gain an entrepreneurial opportunity? What say you?


Anonymous said...

It seems a never ending effort to suppress the voice of the African American. If you have been listening lately to some of the programs on 1050 AM, you would realize that issuses that are not widely spoke on in wide seen media are being spoke about on 1050. Also, what other station in this area has the vast majority of Black Christian broadcast on Sunday mornings? It amazing that all of this just so happen to come about after the Don Imus and Gena 6 incidents took place. If I am wrong, and you can prove different, please comment.

Caesar said...

I have heard of the "blow back" that blacks have experienced since the Don Imus situation. Some people have linked Michael Vick and Marian Jones as media victims since Don Imus lost his job. The bottom line is Vick seems to be a psychopath while Ms. Jones is the garden variety cheater.

This community will suffer a loss is 1050 is taken off the air, no doubt about it. What’s the chances someone will fill that void?

BA Moonshadow said...

First off, I must admit that I haven't listened to WDZ since they started broadcasting after sunset many years ago.
AM1050 will still exist, and programming will still be broadcast, I'm sure. If what you mean is that the programming that exists now is changed to another format, would this be a suppression of minority viewpoints?
Radio is business. There is no "entitlement" involved. If the market is there, it will be served. If not, then the owners will try to find a market that they think will allow them to maximize profit. Suppression of viewpoints are probably not the intentions of the station owner, if the rumor you speak of proves out. Radio stations try out new formats all of the time. It could turn into an entrepreneurial bonanza for someone who felt strongly enough about keeping the content of the current format on the air at another station.

Caesar said...

Welcome fellow blogger! I have to agree with you. If the Magic 1050 is taken off the air, then a tremendous opportunity exists for any entrepreneur to start their own radio station. I personally feel the station could have been supported more by it's listeners. As a community service it’s my role to enlighten area citizens about what taking place locally. BTW I visit your blog almost daily.

Anonymous said...

If this "rumor" proves to be true, can the void be filled with developing a similiar enity to replace the lost of the station? Do you think there is enough support/concerned citizens that want this type of format to continue that it will spark an interest for a minority entrepreneur to step up? Or... will there be just a lot of verbage like "the white man don't want blacks to have anything" going on? If this rumor proves true, I think it would be a great opportunity for someone with media background and financial backing to develop a mega station.

Caesar said...

Tean- very good questions! On the outset you will hear howling accusations of “oppression” it’s inevitable. I also think it’s a tremendous opportunity for someone to start their own station and format it in what ever fashion they like.

Anonymous said...

How ironic is it that this situation has rised since the Don Imus and Genea 6 incidents???????

Caesar said...

Of all the historical figures, I take heed and enjoy a conspiracy theory most of all.