Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fed Up!

It appears in our society it is fashionable to attack Christians for our beliefs. The vehement of discourse is seemingly increasing daily. Yet and still the majority, that is Christian believers, remains silent. What will it take to wake up the sleeping majority? Our National and State Governments pander to every other religion except Christianity. Example foot washing stalls and prayer rooms are being placed in airports, Muslim children are being allowed to pray in school. Is the separation of church and state a legal standard only applicable to Christianity? What say you?


Anonymous said...

I believe in what you speak about in regards to the attack on the Christians and their rights to religous freedoms. It seems as though we need some one willing to step out into the fore front and reclaim our rights to even exist. It appears that in America's efforts to be Politically correct and tolerant of others religous rights and practices we have willfully neglected our very foundation. Will you be the next to stand? We can use a man of your strong conviction and knowledge of current events to keep the Christian community abreast of the attacks. Great Job

Caesar said...

Thank you for your kind words. It is important that all citizens stay abreast of the issues that's affecting their community. Don't hang such high hopes on me yet! We still have much work to do.